Documentation Project

First and foremost, our thanks goes to Laird Malamed and Activision Inc. without who this project wouldn't have been possible at all.
Project Management: Roger J. Long and Gunther Schmidl.

PRIZM: Digby McWiggle and Steven Marsh.

Typing/Scanning: Andreas Ferencz, Matej Frece, Dave Gatewood, Roger J. Long.

PDF Assembly: Roger J. Long.

Proofreading: Gunther Schmidl.

Website: Gunther Schmidl.

Contact: gschmidl at gmx dot at / longrj2 at gte dot net

Images and text contained herein are copyrighted © 2000 by Activision, Inc., and are reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. Computer brands, brand names and trademarks indicated in these pages are properties of their respective owners.